Anytime you feel you need help regarding your anger management, anxiety, and depression issues feel free to read any of my blog pages. They all have the same basic message, which is about giving to others; by loving them, you learn to love yourself and reduce your stress, anger, depression, and anxiety. I have included a great book by the late psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm, and my book, The Road Most Traveled, My Journey with People of the Lie.
I have included a relevant quote from my book, The Road Most Traveled, My Journey with People of the Lie:
"I am writing this book in hopes of improving the quality of least one person’s life and perhaps many lives. Evil does indeed win when good men do nothing. In some small way I hope this book lights the path a little for some fellow travelers. I am dedicating this book to the three heroes I have had in my life. The first one was Gary Cooper, who played in ‘High Noon’. At ten years old I kept sneaking in to see the movie again and again. What impacted me was this characters’ courage, his vision and most of all his commitment to his moral obligation to protect the town. All of my life I have wanted to meet a man with that kind of courage. I finally found him and married him and have been touched by the magnitude of his courage to face evil head on."
Thank you,
Dr. Bonnie Bull